Designing for wild flowers, food and wildlife adds an extra dimension to the landscape. It is an exciting way of gardening and can help our local wildlife by providing habitat and food that may be in short supply in the fractured wild. Even a small garden can be managed in such a way that birds and mammals become a part of the fabric of the garden, rather than occasional visitors.
Jo and Jos Hindriks, near Frederick, MD
Landscaping for Wildlife
Landscaping for wildlife involves some new principles which are beyond the scope of traditional landscape practices. Landscapes designed for wild life focus on food, water, shelter and spacing.
No matter what the size or location of your yard you can begin to attract wildlife. Ecologists have shown that a single minor change in a landscape can bring from 5-10 times as many birds to a yard.
A well designed wild life landscape creates all season interest with fruits and berries, grains and seeds, nectar sources, nuts and acorns, browse plants (woody twigs and buds), forage plants (grasses and legumes), and aquatic plants. A native food forest!
Some Favorites for Wildlife and Human Alike!
- Persimmon
- Pawpaw
- Crab apples
- Acorns
- Pecans
- Blackberries
- Mulberries
- Hawthorns
- Dogwoods
- Elderberries
Woo Wildlife With Water
Landscaping your backyard for wildlife is not complete without water. It is an essential habitat component. Constructing a wildlife pond is one of the best ways to encourage birds, insects, mammals and amphibians to your garden. Any pond is useful in the garden, but one made specially for wildlife will tempt birds and mammals to drink, dragonflies and damselflies to breed, and encourage toads, newts and frogs to take up residence in your garden.
Whether it is a wild flower border to draw in butterflies and song birds or vast meadows of swaying flowers we help pollinate your wildest dreams. Ecologia prepares wild flower sites organically and custom designs high quality wild flower mixes to suit your site.
Posted In: Edible and Ecological Landscape Design